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Advancement of medical microbiology in Turkey and the Turkish Society for Microbiology

Nezahat Gürler
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President, Turkish Society for Microbiology
İstanbul University
İstanbul Medical Faculty
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Çapa, İstanbul, Turkey

Microbiology Australia 35(3) 127-129
Published: 5 September 2014


The history of Bacteriology in Turkey is also regarded as the history of Microbiology. As in many countries, advances in microbiology and its acceptance as a proper scientific field started in the second half of the 19th Century. The earliest work in the field of microbiology in Turkey was related to branches of medical, clinical and veterinary microbiology as expertise was cross-disciplinary111. This article will provide an overview of the history of microbiology starting from the Ottoman Empire era (1299–1923) and advancing into today’s Republic of Turkey (established in 29 October 1923).


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